What are cosplay costumes?

What is Cosplay and where to find Cosplay merchandise

Did you know that cosplay in the world is at a fairly high level, Russian cosplayers not only actively participate in many themed events, but also take prizes in international competitions dedicated to this hobby? So what is cosplay and what does it involve? Today our expert of the week will talk about it.

What is cosplay

Cosplay is dressing up in the costumes of famous characters and making such costumes.

This activity was popular in Japan among fans of anime (Japanese animation) and manga (Japanese comics), but soon became popular outside of the Land of the Rising Sun.

Who are cosplayers

People who engage in cosplay are called cosplayers. Most often, characters for cosplay are characters from manga, anime, and computer games.

But with the development of the hobby and its expansion around the world, participants began to pay attention and to comics, as well as do original images, that is, embody their personal ideas, based on their own vision of the character.

Around the world there are special events for cosplayers, in many cities of our country there are festivals, participants show their skills in creating costumes, staging defiles and demonstration of the image and character of his character.
The most important thing for a cosplayer is to most accurately recreate the look of his favorite character with not only the costume and special makeup, but also behavior, and props for the costume can be modeled in 3D on our website https://designedby3d.com/.

Cosplayers work both alone and in teams called cosplayers.
